2014-15 Mauna Kea Huaka'i (journey)...
Aloha kakou, MKEA continues the story of Mikilani Young’s journey of establishing the Unified Days of Prayer for Mauna Kea as La 1111 draws closer. Join Mikilani and MKEA Project Director, Pua Case as they reflect on the incredible relationships that the Mauna has brought together including the one pictured in this photo. PC for photo two: MKEA photographer,documenter, social media manager Repost from @unitedpillarsofaloha
2014-15 Mauna Kea Huaka'i (journey)...
Here we are at the tmt headquarters on Tongva Lands in Pasadena... Not knowing how this journey was going to lead me to today standing with Kumu Pua Case and Chief Caleen Sisk of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe Ohana and aligning, learning, unifying and deeply loving our Turtle Island relatives... Mahalo Mauna a Wakea for bringing these two amazing Sacred women into my life to nurture and Aloha me for this journey...
Who knew???
Akua Na Kupuna Na Aumakua Na Kahiko and of course our Sacred Mauna...
#EHuE 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊
#KiaiUp ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
#UnitedPillarsOfAloha 💙💚💜🖤💛♥️🧡🤍🤎