Piko o Wākea
Equilibrium of light and dark
Where time sits evenly on her sit bones
When her spine stretches across the sky on the pathway of the sun
When the first light kisses kona trade winds good morning
When ancient stones set by ancient hands tell us that our ancestors measured seasons and transitions by the movement of celestial deities and honored them with the precision of their ritual
Where this relationship to the universe doesn’t begin outside the body or even with the eyes but in the seat of the soul
When our molecules ask the stardust that make constellations in our inner night skies to shine brighter so that they know how to navigate our return to land - voyaging the inner tides that sustain life
When Kū and Hina, those who govern the feminine and masculine frequencies within and without, meet to create new life
When the mountain that sits in the middle of our inner ocean takes a deep inhale and exhale and says
“You made it to today, that took strength. You made it today, that also took grace. Welcome home.”
And a smile stretches like kapa across my face and the air in my lung sing new songs
They tell me on their refrain that I am my own safest place, a pu’u honua for my own soul
That the kānāwai I set for my body, my mind, and my spirit are mine to carve like ki’i with my own hands and my own tools that took years to polish and shine like the pōhaku of Keanakāko‘i
That I can choose to learn from my joy and my own bliss too
That the equinox doesn’t just happen above but in within me too
That the earth is me and I am the earth too
Sacred smoke of ‘a‘ali‘i to the sky
Sacred salt of the sea to the land
Na Piko o Wākea ko’u ho‘ohihi