Steam of Pele & Power of Kiha

Steam of Pele & power of Kiha
Telling stories on my skin
My body of earth trembling to
resonant chant where fire meets water and song meets air
And in that creation of sound
All I hear are mountains

A few weeks ago we woke up to the lua Pele. It was the first time I had ever slept so close to her creation. I opened my eyes as the sun rose and saw the glow of the sun meeting the glow of Halema‘uma‘u. Mauna Loa was adorned in the soft pink and blue of morning light and and the crater was embraced by steam. The way the creatress welcomed the day was so gentle and so tender.

The dance of strength and softness was so profoundly beautiful to witness. It was yet another lesson that both can exist in their power at that same time within and without.

Carrying this lesson in my heart and in my core today.

‘Eli‘eli kau mai