Mauna Kea Wear Wednesday: February 19
Aloha, If you've been following, you know that the East West Center's Artists in Residency from Mongolia opened the Standing Above the Clouds film screening at the Pa'i Foundation on Feb 9. We were honored to host them at Mauna Kea and feel the mauna welcome and embrace their music and their connection from one mountain to another.
My Mauna Kea Wear Wednesday is dedicated to my beautiful new friends from Mongolia who not only opened for the film, Standing Above the Clouds at the Pa'i Foundation on O'ahu but also flew to Hawai'i Island, and accompanied me to Mauna Kea and to Kanu o Ka 'Āina school for an exciting exchange with the teachers and students complete with a tour of the school's farm. Mahalo to my cousin for offering her horses for a short ride which they really wanted to do and when they got to the airport, the employees asked for a song and a group photo. The most precious gift I received from them was hand done calligraphy on Mauna shawl spelling out a message of eternal hope and prayers for peace. Mauna a Wākea to the high mountains of Mongolia, connections made, Pa'i ka lima.