June 24, 2015

On June 24, 2015 over 700 Native Hawaiians, members of the local communities and their supporters stood to prevent construction vehicles from reaching the Northern Plateau of Mauna Kea.

Their collective commitment to stop the building of an 18 story Thirty Meter Telescope from being built on the mountain as it would be the one too many, the one too big. They came to be known as kiaʻi or protectors of Mauna Kea. They are not anti-science. They stand to protect the mountain from further desecration and destruction.

A petition was created to support the protectors. It states, "We, the global community of Mauna Kea supporters are demanding that there be no construction of the TMT, 30 Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaiʻi. The TMT will cause harm to the mountain and destroy a sacred place for Kanaka Maoli’s spiritual and cultural practices.

We oppose any construction made on sacred land without the free, prior and informed consent of Kanaka Maoli. Mauna a Wākea is the tallest mountain on earth reaching from her base on the ocean floor to her summit that rises above the clouds.

Mauna Kea is ancestrally, culturally and spiritually sacred to Kanaka Maoli, and the spiritual and physical health of the mountain, is reflective of the spiritual and physical health of her people.

Mauna Kea is significant to the entire world, connected to all mountains and waters, all places and all people.

We, the undersigned, demand that there will be no construction of the 30 Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea. WE, the global community of Mauna Kea Supporters will continue to support the Kanaka Maoli and the people of Hawaiʻi in every way possible.

This is not just about one mountain in Hawai’i. This is a global movement and the world is watching.

For media, resources, questions and information, contact:


Or visit our website at mkea.info Instagram: @protectmaunakea @maunakeaeducationandawareness

#maunaready #maunakea #protectmaunakea #kukiaimauna #tmtshutdown #aoletmt #hawaiianculture #hawaiinei #indigenouslivesmatter #landback