Dedication to the First Kūkulu Art Exhibition from the Hāmākua location


Introducing a series of photos and descriptions of the first Kūkulu Art Exhibition from the Hāmākua location as we continue to pay tribute to the pillars of Mauna Kea. These comments come directly from the video, ʻKūkulu Art exhibit opens During Festival (March 10, 2018)ʻ,Big Island Video News-29.18.

"These are my boots, and somebody thought enough of them to put a lei around them. And why would that be? Well, these boots are responsible for exhibit. I wore these boots the whole year of 2015, on the mountain. I wore these boots as I travelled everywhere around the world, talking about the Mauna and representing the Mauna in the best way that I could, and I wore these boots throughout the contested case hearings. Until one day, the sole came right out of the bottom. And I went to bed and my boots woke me up, and if you believe in everything we’ve done so far, it’s not so far-fetched to believe that my boots would wake me up. My boots woke me up and said, “I belong in an exhibit. I deserve an exhibit”. I said, oh no, do you really. And the boots said, “yes I do”. And I said, an exhibit we will create for my boots, and thus, Kukulu came to be. So in a way, I owe it all to these boots. So we’re going to start at the beginning, at what it takes if you are guided by your mountain; if you are guided by your sacred place. You listen because your Mauna is as your deity. Your Mauna is your kupuna, your chief, your protector, your guardian, your teacher, your corrector. So under the guidance of the Mauna, the Mauna created Kukulu, so we’re going to start at the beginning."

Mahalo to Brenda Case for transcription of entire video.