A kū mau ka mana la‘a kapu a Wākea

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‘O ka Mauna i mua
‘O ka Mauna i hope
‘O ka Mauna ma ka ‘ākau
‘O ka Mauna ma ka hema
‘O ka Mauna i luna
‘O ka Mauna i lalo
‘O ka Mauna i loko
‘O ka Mauna i waho

Securing my prayers for the mountain above, between, below, to the right, the left, within, and without.

Lifting the same prayers for protection that I utter for the mountain - for myself, my beloveds, and this Honuanuiākea.

We are living in such intense changing times and so much is coming up to healed collectively and individually. This is the wā hulihia, a time that was prophesied by the ancients. Hulihia means to overturn, to complete change, be to turned upside down. If there was ever a time to shift, it is right now. The call for deep healing and transformation is being revealed from the micro to the macro.

The lessons that we are learning right now are profound, heightened, sometimes harsh, and even extreme. If there was ever a time to lean in all the way to the prayers of our ancestors and our homelands, it is right now. If there was ever a time to deepen the revelations of what our kūpuna and our ‘āina are trying to teach us, it is right now.

I believe in you.
I believe in me.
I believe in us.
I believe in our capability to rise.
I believe in our capability to heal.
I believe in our capability to unite.
I believe in our capability to love.
To really feel.
To reclaim what has been stolen.
To make right what has been wrong.
To create a new way grounded in the old ways for the generations to come.
I believe in us like I believe in our sacred mountain.

May we be protected by the divine.
May we be grounded to the sacred.
May we be aligned with the highest good.
May we remember union with all that we see and don’t see.
May we be free.

A kū mau ka mana la‘a kapu a Wākea