He lei ia, he lei ka lewa lani, na kāu Likokaumaka

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I love coming home to conversations with my mother. Just yesterday she told me that she absolutely loves every part of her life. She marvels at the places she has traveled to that she never thought she would ever get to see and at the incredible people she has had the blessing to meet. And how she just wants to continue living and loving in gratitude and bliss. It makes me so happy to see her happy. Her healing heals me. My healing heals her. Our healing heals our lineage. I believe that with my whole heart.

I am so profoundly inspired by the work she is doing for herself in this time. As she heads into her second Saturn Return this month, she has chosen to shift the way she moves in this world by consciously choosing joy and by consciously bringing balance to her space by choosing peace. This teaches me so much and has shaped so much of the way we communicate now. I see that the more we really do our own self work the softer and more understanding we are with one another. And that is truly beautiful.

We work together.
We stand together for the land we love.
She is my kumu hula.
I am her ‘ōlapa.
She is my mother.
I am her daughter.

Our agreements of the soul this time around on this planet are woven together in sacred intentional way. I feel the truth of that more and more the older I get. And for that I give thanks.

I’m proud of you, Mom.
I’m so honored to have been born from you.
I love the person you’ve been, the person you are, and the person you are becoming. I celebrate your journey and I celebrate you.

I love you,

He lei ia, he lei ka lewa lani,

na kāu Likokaumaka