
When Pele reveals her presence in the glow of Halema’uma’u and the flows of the east, the cycles of life and death dance too.

Forests become home to rivers of fire and the shorelines expand as heat and water make new land. What once was is transformed. And in time, what is transformed becomes home to new life. And all of it is creation in continuum.

In the past few weeks we have seen and felt these very cycles from the micro to the macro in the deepest of ways. Beloved aloha ‘āina made their journey to the ancestral realms as the sky filled with rainbows in their honor and the earth shook with lamentations.

The grief, the ‘eha kūmākena, felt through the generations. Offerings of ‘awa to our sacred places of prayer. Ceremonies to call on the kūpuna to guide them to the alo o Wākea. Tender moments and embraces filled with wails and tears. No words, just time, just space.

There is a place in my chest that I created just for grief. And it hurts right now in this moment. When I close my eyes and lean into this ‘eha, I see that the prayers I lift in this time are created from the same space too.

All a part of the continuum.

Sitting with this tonight under Wākea skies.