Hōlanikū Update #7

My kupuna Lani Akau once shared with me that every single sunrise and sunset is different, that every single one is unique, and that very mana’o has guided me since I was 18 to look at as many of them as I possibly can. The sun is rising later and setting earlier letting us know that the season of Lono is upon us. We are seeing so many signs of transition. It is the chill that is coming in on the strong Northeast winds. It is in the magnificent billowing clouds that stand like pillars of Kahiki. It is in the pull of the currents and the haunting calls of Nunulu that echo on the starry night sky. It is in the beloved sight of a lone Moli flying expertly above and landing in fields of alena and nohu. I give thanks for all that my eyes have seen and all they will see.

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